This page is for our English speaking patients Unexi Anesthesia Team also provides care in English!
Over 20 year anesthesia experience
At the private dental clinics, I have administered hundreds of ambulatory (or outpatient) anesthesias.
As senior staff anesthesiologist at the University Hospital, I have provided demanding care for both children and adults.
Would you like to learn more?
Why not first send me an E-mail. Thereafter, it is easy to continue by telephone or by meeting with each other. E-mail for further inquiries: unexi2@me.com
Please note: All healthcare related information we treat as strictly confidential, and we never give away e-mails of our patient.
Consulting Anesthesiologist
Dr. Ilkka Kalli
Adjunct Professor (Medical Informatics)
Unexi Consulting is division of Medicomp Ltd, where I am owner and CEO
My clinical aim is to offer turn-key anesthesia service for dental clinics in Southern Finland, and we use our own anesthesia devices.
Medical technology is my other core competence: I have been internationally recognized consultant for major manufacturers like Datex-Ohmeda and GE Healthcare.
Would you like to know more, feel free to study my LinkedIn Profile